
Finding a counsellor or psychotherapist that will be right for you can sometimes feel difficult and I hope to give you a sense of how I work and what I can offer.

About Me

My name is Anna Lanninge. I am a psychotherapist with an MSc in Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy for adults. This is the foundation of my approach and I have attended a considerable amount of further training in other approaches, as well as training relating to specific issues. I work with adults from age 18 and upwards.

My relational psychodynamic approach considers how both unconscious and past experiences and our more recent experiences and relationships play a part in our current feelings and behaviour. I will not be giving you advice or tell you what to do, but together we will explore the issues that are important for you.

In addition, I also have a longstanding interest in meditation, mindfulness, philosophy and creativity. This is not something I teach, but if this is of interest to you, this can also be part of what we speak about.

I am committed to providing counselling and psychotherapy in a safe, confidential and non-judgemental environment.

Professional Memberships

Accredited member of the BACP (the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy). I adhere to the BACP code of ethics and I am fully insured.

Accredited Member of NCPS (National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society)

Accredited Member of ACTO (Association for Counselling & Therapy Online)

Counselling and Psychotherapy

Reasons for seeking therapy are many and varied, but it is probably safe to say that if you are considering therapy, there is something you are struggling with that you wish to be different. You, or someone close to you, might be experiencing anxiety and depression, find relationships difficult, things might have happened in your life that you are finding a challenge to deal with, or you might just have a sense that things could be better.

Exploring these issues can gradually help you to understand your feelings in ways that enable you to live with a greater sense of freedom. Therapy can feel painful and even frightening at times when you first allow yourself to look at issues that you have struggled with and might have tried to push away and ignore for a long time, or events that might have occurred more recently that have affected you strongly.

Therapy can help you handle these feelings better and can also enable you to be more open to the good things in your life and free up your creativity.

Counselling and psychotherapy differ in that counselling tends to be shorter term and focused on specific issues, while psychotherapy is a longer-term exploration of wider and more varied issues, depending on what is relevant to you over time.

If you decide you would like to come to see me, we will use the first session or two to think about what brings you to therapy and to consider whether my way of working is right for you and we decide whether your reasons for coming are better suited for longer term more open-ended therapy, or shorter-term counselling where the number of sessions will be specified at the start.

Some of the issues that I deal with:

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Problems with confidence, self-esteem and body issues.
  • Work life, stress, exhaustion and burn-out
  • Shame, guilt and anger
  • Bereavement and trauma
  • Adoption issues: adult adoptees, birthparents and adopters
  • Life changes, such as relationship break-up, ill health, retirement and aging
  • Relationship problems, sexuality, gender issues
  • Sexual, physical and emotional abuse
  • New parenthood, couple and family issues
  • Infertility, including considering assisted conception or adoption
  • Creativity and looking at ways you might you might be able to live in a way that is closer to how you would like it to be.

I also offer Clinical Supervision * please contact me for details.

Appointments and Costs

I see most of my clients in person and, if this works for you, we will meet in my private practice in Herne Hill/North Dulwich, London. I am also available online, if you live too far away, or have other reasons why you are unable to come in person.

Both in-person and online appointments are regular and weekly, on the same day and at the same time each week (though if you have a job where you are required to work shifts, we might find a way to accommodate this).

The appointments last for 50 minutes and are available on weekdays, between 9am and 7pm.

Fees are charged on a sliding scale, depending on household income and time of appointment:

  • £60-80 per session for daytime appointments until 5pm
  • £70-90 for appointments starting 5pm and later.

Do you have private health insurance? There are many different insurers and there has been a lot of changes in recent years - please contact your insurance company to check if they have me listed as a registered provider, before you contact me.

Get in touch

Please contact me via the contact form if you would like to make an appointment, or if you have questions that you would like to ask before making an appointment. I will then respond via email.

If you would like to speak with me before making an appointment, I am happy to set up a brief (20 mins) free initial meeting, which will be in person if you live or work close by, or online if you don’t. (I don’t offer initial telephone calls, as I think being able to see each other when we speak is more helpful.)

My Location

I work in private practice in the Herne Hill/North Dulwich area of South London, with good local transport links via train and bus and - apart from between12 and 2pm - there is free street parking.

©2022 Anna Lanninge

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